Are you buying insurance on a new home, selling a home, or just wanting to gain a better understanding of the factors that affect your ability to get and keep affordable homeowners insurance?
Let us provide you some of the major keys to how homeowners insurance works, help you avoid common pitfalls and offer some ways you can save money.
When you’re buying a home, you need to put insurance on the top of your “to do” list. Most lenders won’t provide a mortgage without homeowners insurance coverage, so work with your insurance broker to help you move into and protect your dream home.
In buying home owners insurance it is vitally important to understand what you are protected or not protected for, in the event of a claim or loss. All the while doing this in a cost effective manner, which is to have proper protection with least amount of expense.
One other factor to think about in Sacramento is to be aware of the flood zones that your new home may be in. Make sure that your home is covered properly for the most common risks and flooding may be one of them.